
Below, you will find detailed calculations for your review. Please note that these are for informational purposes only; our system will handle all necessary computations automatically

Staking Rewards Calculation Blueprint

  1. Collect Information:

    • NFT Collection and Tier Distribution: Identify the specific collection (The Masks or Pleiades) and the tier(s) to which your NFTs belong.

  2. Base Experience Points (XP):

    • Base XP Calculation: Note down the base XP associated with each NFT.

  3. Multiplier Application:

    • Standard NFTs:

      • Quantity: Check if you are holding more than one NFT.

      • Multiplier: Apply the multiplier to the base XP.

    • Special Conditions (e.g., 1/1 NFTs):

      • Special Base XP: Note down the special base XP.

      • Quantity: Check if you are holding more than one special NFT.

      • Multiplier: Multiply with special base XP.

  4. Golden Tickets:

    • Base XP for Golden Tickets: Note down the base XP.

    • Multiplier for Golden Tickets:

      • Quantity: Check if you are holding more than one Golden Ticket.

      • Multiplier: Multiply it with the base XP of the Golden Ticket.

  5. Masks <> Pleiades Merger:

    • Merger Boost Calculation: Calculate the boost (2% per set) in base points of The Masks and The Pleiades.

  6. Summation of Points:

    • Total XP Calculation: Sum all calculated XP points from the above steps.

  7. Golden Ticket Bonus:

    • Overall XP Boost Range: If holding one or more Golden Tickets, check the multiplier boost percentage and apply it to the sum of all points.

  8. Final Calculation:

    • Total Staking Reward: Add the points from step 6 and step 7 to compute the total staking reward.

Formula for Calculation:

Final Staking Rewards =

( ((Mask Base XP x Mask Base Multiplier x Merger Boost) + (Mask Tier Based XP x Tier Based Multiplier) + (Masks Special Base XPƗ Masks Special Multiplier) )


((Pleiades Base XP x Mask Base Multiplier x Merger Boost) + (Pleiades Tier Based XP x Tier Based Multiplier) + (Pleiades Special Base XP Ɨ Masks Special Multiplier) )


(Golden Ticket Base XP x GT Multiplier) )


Golden Ticket Bonus Multiplier

Glossary of Terms

  • Mask Base XP: The base experience points assigned to a Mask NFT based on its intrinsic properties.

  • Mask Base Multiplier: A multiplier applied to the Mask Base XP, potentially varying by specific conditions or attributes of the Mask NFT.

  • Merger Boost: An additional multiplier that applies when certain sets of NFTs (e.g., Masks and Pleiades) are combined, enhancing their base points.

  • Mask Tier Based XP: Experience points assigned based on the tier or level of a Mask NFT, which may differ from base XP.

  • Tier Based Multiplier: A multiplier that is applied to tier-based XP, reflecting the rarity or uniqueness of the NFT within its tier.

  • Masks Special Base XP: Experience points for Masks NFTs that meet special conditions, such as being unique or one-of-a-kind (1/1).

  • Masks Special Multiplier: A multiplier applied to the Special Base XP, which enhances the value of NFTs with unique characteristics.

  • Pleiades Base XP: The base experience points for a Pleiades NFT, similar to the Mask Base XP.

  • Pleiades Tier Based XP: Experience points based on the tier or level of a Pleiades NFT, which may provide different rewards than the base XP.

  • Pleiades Special Base XP: Special experience points awarded to Pleiades NFTs that are unique or have rare attributes.

  • Pleiades Special Multiplier: A multiplier for the Special Base XP of Pleiades NFTs, increasing the reward for holding these unique assets.

  • Golden Ticket Base XP: Base experience points granted by owning a Golden Ticket NFT, which provides a foundational reward before multipliers are applied.

  • Golden Ticket Multiplier (GT Multiplier): A multiplier that enhances the XP received from a Golden Ticket, magnifying its impact.

  • Golden Ticket Bonus Multiplier: An overall multiplier that is applied after all individual XP calculations are summed, increasing the total reward based on the presence of a Golden Ticket.

Last updated